During the month of November 2015 and within the framework of the European Quality Week of Tenerife, different actions were performed all over the Island, under the coordination of the Quality and Responsible Consumption Center, part of the Employment, Trade, Industry and Economic Development Department of Tenerife Council, whose purpose is to promote high quality and socially sustainable economic development.
Just like every year, Plan B Group participated in the European Quality Week of Tenerife contributing with two training seminars to explain the EFQM Excellence Model and the recent changes in the ISO 9001 standard, according to its new version published in September 2015. The training was provided with the collaboration of Bureau Veritas, OCA CERT, Grupo Valora-SEUR Canarias, the Department of Citizen Participation and the Municipality of Candelaria that shared their vision on the process of transition towards the ISO 9001:2015 Standard and their experience with the implementation of the EFQM Model.
As a result, a total of 43 actions were performed, with the help and collaboration of 58 organizations. The outcomes and the work which made them possible are reflected in a video which collect the vision, perspective and expertise of each professional on the subject matter of quality.