The company Gestión y Custodia de la Información de Canarias (GCIC), part of Grupo Valora, which works in the field of document management, store and secure destruction, has successfully passed the monitoring audit of Information Security Management System under ISO 27001 Standard whose certificate was obtained in 2014.
The company’s business operations involve the processing of highly confidential customers’ datas, which impose a rigorous security standard, which GCIC guarantees under ISO 27001. In fact, this certification settles very demanding requirements over managing, storing and destroying information, imposing an even higher standard than the one accorded by the legislation in force.
GCIC keeps on improving to guarantee the highest degree of safety to its customers
With this new audit, Plan B Group remarks its involvement in the project for the implementation of ISO 27001 standard. Furthermore, our company continues to supply services of adaptation for the organizations to comply with the Organic Lay on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD). This is another case of success and example of the contribution that Plan B is able to offer to its customers.