About Plan B Group

Fachada Plan B Group La Laguna Tenerife

Plan B Group is an organisation founded by Alberto Santana that brings together young, enthusiastic, creative and with vision of future in the fields of the consultancy and audit in systems of management based on ISO procedures, project accomplishment of R&D and ICT solutions development, internationalization and training. Our presence in the market has a clear objective:

“Sharing our knowledge and transfer our experience”

We have worked with over 200 SMEs from the Canary Islands since 2006 and we trully believe that we have provided our added value, and especially a global and innovative strategic vision to them.

Our clients have found a different option offered by the market. They have found a B Plan… and we are really proud of it.

Our Mission:

We believe in the need to inculcate through the “open innovation”, a new framework of flowing knowledge between all the organisations that collaborate with us in order to generate value. We want to do one’s bit in this “symbiosis”, developing services that contributed to a better knowledge management, and also could generate synergies between all social actors.

We own the best technical and human resources in a privileged location at San Cristóbal de La Laguna city. This way, Plan B Group is set up as a company in continuous innovation in addition to knowledge for offering high value-added services.

Plan B Group headquarters are equipped with 9 properly structured workplaces, spaces for physical servers, meeting room, training room, hobby and games room, library and a lobby. Our facilities are located just 15 meters close from the main building of the University of La Laguna, the Office of Transfer of Research Results of the University of La Laguna (OTRI) and principal university centers of R&D.

We provide laptops for each of our workers, physical and virtual servers, which allow us to work with the best conditions of internal communication. We use Microsoft Sharepoint as management tool of our corporate intranet, and Google Apps for the management of domains and external communications. Besides we have advanced software tools for projects management, as well as for the management of our internal tasks.

This mix of technology and knowledge provides us with unsurpassable qualities for drive your organization to success.