Ospaen Servis is a company of southern Tenerife which provides services and supplies to hotels, bars and restaurants, supermarkets and food and beverages distributors. The enterprise has entrusted Plan B Group to develop its e-commerce platform in order to better supply its clientele in the Canary Islands.
That’s why Plan B Group has developed a totally innovative e-commerce environment, always keeping an eye on the current trends in the sector.
- Interface featuring Prestashop Content Management System.
- Customized programming in compliance with the HTML5, CSS3, PHP, jQuery standards.
- Responsive Web Design to adapt the page to mobile devices.
- Adaptation of elements to the company’s own characteristics.
- Management of stocks.
- Management outpost of clients and orders.
- Integration of online payment solutions.
- Content sharing on social profiles.
Customized Training:
The team of Plan B Group also provided a training course to Ospaen Servis to let the staff acquire the necessary knowledge and tools to manage the new platform, so that the company’s personnel may be able to manage its own contents as well as the sales of its products independently, with the support of Plan B Group in the resolution of eventual issues and incidents.
Ospaen Servis can now entirely benefit from the advantages of e-commerce
As a result, Ospaen Servis is now one of the hotel supplying companies which can boast a very high level of competence in online commerce. The enterprise is now able to benefit from its advantages, such as extending its market reach through an online shop which offers quality products with the purpose of satisfying customers’ real needs.