Plan B Group is collaborating with different public administrations for the development and presentation of projects to get more than 9.5 million of Euros of European funding through the Territorial Cooperation PROGRAMME INTERREG PCT-MAC 2014-2020. This programme establishes a series of main lines of action to promote the development and territorial integration of the Macaronesian islands (Madeira, the Azores and the Canary Islands). Cape Verde, Senegal and Mauritania, have also joined the new program, expanding the space of socio-economic and cultural influence of the involved areas, as well as the possibilities of cooperation with geographically close countries.
The projects created by Plan B Group follow the main axes of the program, taking into account the characteristics, potentialities and smart specialisation’s strategies of each region (RIS3) and finally developing proposals with a solid base and with long-term objectives.
Thanks to the large experience of Alberto Santana, CEO of Plan B Group, as European projects evaluator within the Horizon2020 Program, Plan B Group was able to advise the different public administrations on how to develop the projects in compliance with the main lines of the program, while evaluating them to ensure the best possible plan was presented in the end.
In the main picture: part of Plan B Group working team, which set up the projects.