The team of Plan B Group has attended some training sessions on the INTERREG EUROPE Cooperation Programme this week. This new programme replaces the previous INTERREG IVC, and its second convention took place on April 5 to May 13 this same year, in order to finance projects of interregional cooperation which involve both public and private non-profit organizations, coming from all regions of the European Union, Switzerland and Norway.
The contribution of INTERREG EUROPE for this new call ranges between 1 and 2 million of Euros per project. The projects that are to be submitted must focused on the four main lines of the program: research and innovation, environment and resource efficiency, SMEs competitiveness and low-carbon economy.
The training sessions which Plan B Group has participated electronically in, addressed the following issues:
- Guidelines to be followed in order to achieve an effective learning process, to measure the projects performances and the different activities that can be carried out to ensure the exchange of experiences between stakeholders and that may enable us to design a methodology for successful projects.
- Construction of partnership through previous research and identification of appropriate partners for our projects, which can add value and which may be relevant to the territorial and political context.
- How to develop a Financial Plan in accordance to the five main lines proposed by the Programme (Staff, Administration, Travel & Accommodation, Equipment, External Expertise) and the key points to successfully draft the budgetary aspects of the project.
- Finally, we discovered the essential elements that are to be kept in mind to develop a good communication plan; we got to know the communication principles adopted by the programme and the activities that can be carried out for an effective communication strategy that leads to the accomplishment of the project objectives.
The following pictures were taken during the different training sessions we attended.
- Plan B Group asiste a la Formación del Pograma Inttereg Europe
- Plan B Group asiste a la Formación del Pograma Inttereg Europe