Alberto Santana, CEO of Plan B Group, gave a briefing, last March, on the EU funding programme Horizon 2020 (in which framework he operates as an evaluator) and on the Territorial Cooperation Programme INTERREG PTC-MAC 2014-2020 involving Madeira, the Azores, the Canary Islands and Cape Verde, as well as Senegal and Mauritania as third parties countries.
The briefing took place during one of the monthly meetings held by the member companies of the Tenerife Network Business Platform which gather the most important companies of the Island in professional areas such as consulting, transportation, advertising, etc., and which Plan B Group rejoined from its very outset, providing its knowledge and expertise. In this occasion, the aim was focusing on highlighting the competitive advantages of the Canary Islands and to publicize the high potential of the EU funds, easily accessible to any company capable of offering good quality products/services and with a high level of innovation.
Specialization in something specific, an innovative project and high visibility are the only requirements.”
In the picture, Alberto Santana, CEO of Plan B Group during the briefing on the funding programmes organized by the companies of Tenerife Network.