
Foto panorámica del aula de formación de Plan B Group

In Plan B Group, we believe in providing customized training for individuals and businesses with the best tools and knowledge, relevant to various aspects of business models as a way to add value by actively participating in many training programs. Furthermore, we are close linked with some important educational institutions, such as University of La Laguna, University of Bérgamo… through agreements for business training and practices in our company in order to improve student’s employment and reach a mutual learning.

Our professionals are active participants in high prestige educational programs, such as the Official Masters in Foreign Trade by the University of La Laguna or the Innovation Management Program. We are frequently attending to high specialized courses and conferences in order to get our knowledge updated and getting specific certifications that recognise Plan B Group as an organization who transfers value and knowledge.

After years designing and teaching specific courses, web present our Customized Training Catalogue, wich is the result of the aggregate experience in our business, Following to our enterprise philosopy, our training actions intend to go a step forward from the current offer in the market. That is to say we intend to offer the B Plan that really addapts to the student’s needs. We want to leave back standard training based in an interaction and evaluation of persons as equal, not taking in consideration special characterists of each other.

If we are different, why are we treated equally?

We live in a world where professionals need specialization and increase their knowledge so they need contents addapted to them, not in the other way. In Plan B Group we are concerned about this reality and we offer training actions where the student decides about everything: what course will he attend, scheudle and timetable, modality (online, partial-online…), starting date, adaptation of contents to his professional sector, and more… You don’t have to wait for next open calls anymore!

Moreover, Plan B Group is an organizer entity of Fundación Tripartita for training and employ, we manage for free the training credits and bonuses available in your company.

Finally, we provide our own Training Portal, a place where you can find an a global calendar with shceudled events and courses (you can follow it on Twitter as @PlanBFormacion as well), access to our Customized Training Catalogue, Virtual Classroom and some of our teaching materials.

Visit our Training Portal