Plan B Group often collaborates with the University of La Laguna (ULL). This time, it was to teach a seminar on “Internationalization of Canary enterprises” to the students of Entrepreneurship Development Degree (GRADE) giving a seminar on the Internationalization of Canary Islands organizations, its great potential and the elements to take into account before starting an internationalization action (e.g. the country of destination analysis).
The seminar intent is to broaden the knowledge that the Degree offers to current and future entrepreneurs regarding entrepreneurship processes, innovation and clientele selection, customer fidelity building and creation and scalability of projects. This seminar aims to promote a motivational attitude that may encourage the entrepreneurs to develop their projects with an eye on the international market, displaying the potential and high level of products and services offered by the Canary Islands companies.
In the pictures, Alberto Santana, CEO of Plan B Group and teacher at internationalization seminar along with the students.