Since the beginning of January 2016, Plan B Group has been working with some of its customers on the projects to be submitted for the new Territorial Cooperation Programme INTERREG V-A Madeira-Azores-Canarias (TCP-MAC) 2014 -2020.
With the support of Alberto Santana, CEO of Plan B Group, and his work as evaluator of EU Horizon 2020 projects we advise various organizations to present the best possible proposal, in compliance with the programme main lines.
In the pictures, Alberto Santana, CEO of Plan B Group, during a talk about the European funding programme Horizon 2020, which he participates in as project evaluator.
The call for projects is open!
From 1st February 2016 to 31st March 2016, regional and local Public Administrations, along with some associated law entities (both public and private), Universities, research centres, technology institutes and foundations, chambers of commerce, business associations and many other non-profit organizations (both public and private) settled in the Azores, Madeira and the Canary Islands areas, may upload their proposals on the programme online platform SIMAC 2020, on the webpage
The ERDF grant for this first call amount to 52 million Euros, to be distributed among five main lines:
- Line 1:Promoting research, technological development and innovation
- Line 2:Promoting entrepreneurship and competitiveness
- Line 3:Promoting climate change adaptation and risk prevention
- Line 4:Promoting environmental conservation and energy efficiency
- Line 5:Improving institutional/public administration efficiency
Projects must apply for a minimum grant of € 200,000, with 85% of eligible amount. To such calls, entities settled in Cape Verde, Senegal and Mauritania may also take part.
The experience of Plan B Group
Plan B Group has successfully participated to previous funding programmes, during preparation of proposals, and as external expert for the various lines of the PCT-MAC program, having established a high number of professional contacts in the countries the calls are addressed to.
If you wish to draft a proposal with us or enlist our company as external expert, please click on the following links: