Plan B Group renews its CSR commitment to the Global Compact of the United Nations

Plan B Group informes Pacto Mundial ONU RSE
Plan B Group has presented to the Spanish Network of the Global Compact of the United Nations its Progress Report on activities carried out during 2014, the fulfillment of the verified objectives in 2013 and new commitments for 2015. These new goals are:

  • Increasing the number of hours for training.
  • Improving environmental management.
  • Encouraging and creating jobs.
  • Making new shares to raise awareness of Corporate Social Responsibility.
  • Keeping commitment to the regional economy by giving priority to local suppliers.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

The Global Compact which belongs Plan B Group since 2012, is the largest global partnership for development, reaching 12,500 companies covering 145 different countries. In addition, throughout 2014 the Spanish Global Compact Network has experienced significant growth in which SMEs and third sector companies have achieved great relevance increasing their participation and interest by 8% compared to 2013.

All this shows the importance that increasingly receives CSR among organizations, which acquire a series of internal commitments based on the 10 principles of the Global Compact and the content areas on Human Rights, Labor Standards, Environment and Anticorruption.